Thursday, February 2, 2012


        Some mistakes can effect you more than others
Life is all about making mistakes but, some mistakes can effect you more than others most  of  times. Have you ever heard the saying “You don't know what you have till it’s all gone”? Well that's just how we are, at most times we are ungrateful. Its true we really don’t know what we have till it’s all gone till everything that we've work so hard to achieve slips away. You have to deal with the pain that comes with it knowing that your sorry for what happened and that no matter what you do you cant go back and fix it. All you can do is try to make things better and hope for the best because, as much as you want to forget about what you did you cant because its always going to be there.  Either way if your the one who screwed up or not your gonna have an impact on the people around you. Sometimes you might even lose the ones you love but the thing is do  you have say of your out come or are you suck in a place were it feels like it impossible to get out of. The point is if you have a chance to fix what you did do it because it could be your last.


  1. I love it !! it is true we do learn from our mistakes and when you have the chance ti fix them take it because you will end up regretting it

  2. I understand how you feel. I've lost things that were very important to me. To this very day, I still reflect on them and feel sadness.

  3. Yeap, this is very true thats why you have to charish what you have because one day it can all be gone.
