Monday, May 21, 2012

Why were we put in earth ?

Why were we put here on this planet? I ask myself this question each day, but my my answers always "Only God knows why" So he just leaves me to wondering,thinking about why, why is this life so cruel, wonderful and mysterious. Why are we who we are? Do we have a purpose ?...
Are we meant to love, be heart broken love again and again until we find that someone?
Are we meant to work work work, so that we know what we want in life,so that we can get a head and make something of our selves?
Why do we fall over and over again and still get up fighting why do thing happen how they happen?..An amazing thing is is that we all have a great power the power, of choice we all can decide what to do with our lifes either to make something of it or go down a path you dont want to thats your choice
If HE put us on earth for a reason, then make it matter make the time you have here to be remembered.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Cruel Morning:/

Sometimes the morning is cruel is I hear the booming alarm in my ear tell me to "wake up lazy its time for school".When i look over at it to turn it off I say no another 5min and, that's when I love too see the snooze button, that button makes everything better but then again I still have to wake up. Cruel mornings when a blanket of sleep covers you,and you find it impossible to wake your self up no matter what you try to do. Mornings when you hear your teacher say wake up, like let me sleep! Mornings when you cant stand everything and, any one who gets in your way.CRUEL MORNINGS !are the worst