Friday, December 9, 2011

Huger Games Reshearch Project

          Once the games began a relationship between Katiness and Peeta was created. Not because of love necessarily mostly to get sponsors and to get supplies out of the sponsor. They had to make them believe in this love story they created. But to make it seem believable they had to have some sort of relationship with each other. First thing is trust without TRUST in a relationship you  don't have each other ("Am I in a Healthy Relationship?"). In every relationship there has to be trust, Katiness didn't trust Peeta when the games first began but as time went by everything began to change. Katiness and Peeta had to build up trust. With trust everything became much easier in the games.
          Also in a relationship theres has to be good communication between each other. You have to be open and honest to each other be able to talk to that person and tell them everything. Support each other in the things you do. By celebrating the good times and being by your side at your time of need. Katiness went looking for Peeta when they had found out that 2 tributes from the same district could live. That's when basically everything stared. From her being that at his time of need when he was ill caring for him. Her being able to talk to him about her life.

            The whole having to be with each other to take care for each other, though every thing was just a show they both knew it was a little more than what they made it seem. They had to be able to communicate with each other have to be able to respect the fact that these feelings they were feeling didn't mean anything more than the wanting to return home. By the end of the Hunger Games Katiness and Peetas "Love" there sponsors would send them food when it was really needed and medicine as well .They left the games with there lives and each other because even though the whole reason they acted that they were in love with each other at one point they did have feelings for each other . But sometimes you are blinded from what you have in front of you at times.

Nancy Bibliography
Works Cited
"Am I in a Healthy Relationship?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.
"Athletic Sponsorship." Find A Sponsor. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.


  1. That was really good Nancy you put alot of detail into your writing. I think you deserve to get o good grade because what you mainly talked about was the Hunger Games basically. Love your post Nancy 100%

  2. Girl you did a very good job on this i love it because you let people no how they was feeling about each other and this is very good!!!!!

  3. I loved your post, it gives me a new take on Peeta's and Katniss' relationship together

  4. i love this so understanding i can really tell you understand this so much

  5. This paper is very good, even though I didnt read the book, I kinda get an undertanding of what its about

  6. - iLoove this one Very explainatory and . i like the picture you put to fit in with your topic and you explained what a healthy relationship is./ And What Makes A Healthy Relationship you did really good. Keep up the good work girl.((:

  7. i love your new post it is really awesome how you talked about katniss and peetas relationship and how it started

  8. SO, are you saying that they had a good relationship even though they weren't really in love? Or, are you saying that because they had trust and communication, they fell in love? Hmmm, you got me thinking too....

  9. Way to go I loved how everything you said tied in with Katniss and Peeta's relationship. I also loved the pic.

  10. I liked how you put how they felt about each other from day one and how from getting to know each other as the games past by they started liking each other and, the picture was a nice touch too
