Thursday, February 16, 2012

Growing Up!

Growing Up:D
When your like 5 or 6 in kindergarden your teacher probably asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up. Some would say Fire man or a Princesses like Me! They keep asking you as the the years progress you may give different answers like a Football Player or a singer (Me:) But then it begins to get more serious 7th grade teacher asks again what do u want to be when you graduate high school ?...
Most of us are unsure and are like I
dont really know what I want to be I guess ill know when the time comes .Others may say I want to be a Veterinarian  or some still might say Singer or Football Player.When we all know that even though those are options its always going to be your education first then comes the fame and,the money. Its the 8th grade year and, your teacher by now expects to have a clear answer, you have to begin acting more like an adult because its your future and not any one else.
This year your setting your self up for high school classes that is just one of the many ways that you are already getting ready for the life that u have a head you. You have to have a plan no more uncertain answers when the teacher asks you but a real response answer that is going to get you somewhere in life but a fast food place. You have to be ready!


  1. i love the way how you used the last sentence

  2. I agree what you said. My mom has always told me that when the time comes closer, you need to be ready. Now, I've made my decision to be a teacher! Thanks Nancy! :)

    1. Too cool that Nancy's post affected you this way. I didn't know I wanted to teach until I was a junior in high school. I think that it would be a great fit for you, Christina, you have a lot to offer. You may change your mind (you've got plenty of time), but going into teaching has been the best and toughest thing that I have ever done. It's a totally worthwhile way to earn a living :)

  3. I understand where you're coming from. Lots of people are undecisve about what they want to do in life. The one good thing abouit it is that their are a lot of jobs out there, so you're not tacked down to just one.

  4. I really liked this story cause i feel the same way. I am nervous for high school because what if thats not what I want to do anymore.
